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Fibreart and Mixed Media

Embroidery as an art form is all about texture and shapes. That is where I want to develop my work. This means that the embroidery need no longer be confined to a traditional frame or be limited in scale because the usual materials have a finite impact in regard to scale. The desired design does not have to be two dimensional but can eventually be more sculptural and eclectic with wood, metal, stone and glass as equal partners in a finished piece.

Celtic Floor Screen

Enchanted Forest

Commissioned panel of a blue forest at night with moonbeams. Creative stitchery and applique with various fabrics, threads, beads, semi precious stones, silver threads and then backlit to enhance moonbeams. 54" x 42".

Commissioned floor screen design idea representing standing stones. The various faux suedes are pieced together then sublimated with various favourite celtic designs and rune blessings chosen by the client.The stone textures are brought out with gold and silver threads, various threads, semi precious stones and beads. 4 ft. x 6 ft.

Art Deco Floor Screen

Commissioned floor screen in an Art Deco style with clumps of reeds in water with herons. The background fabric is a dark red with strips of gold fabric representing the water. (unfortunately the gold is overshadowed in the photo with the red reflecting onto the gold). Lines of beads draw the reed shapes and the herons are created separately and applied. 4 ft. x 6 ft.

Japanese Style Ribbon Screen

Three panel, Japanese style, floor screen showing a bunch of ribbons tied in the centre.

Each ribbon has been created in fabrics and stitchery on a black background. 4ft. x 6ft.

Vanishing Peoples

The Sun

Wall hanging of various native peoples motifs in a collage of felt, leather, embroidery and ink drawing with over 27,000 beads on the totem and bottom edge. The collage is on a double denim background with a 16 inch suede fringe.The whole panel is 10 feet high by 6 feet wide.

Egyptian Collar -  Costume Design

Design of the sun with gold leather and silk applique. The embroidery is gold thread with beads on Thai silk background.

12" x 30".

Costume design for an Egyptian Collar for the London Beadery Competition.Very limited selection of beads allowed but unlimited use of embroidery and fabrics.

22" x 18" approx.

Modelled by Debbie at the London Artist's Studio Tour 2009.


Gold panel with snowdrop design in gold and silk threads and with the negative space in gold kid on church silk background. 24" x 22"

Pears - Still Life Series

Creating still life arrangement from drawings of pears. Fabric applique and gold thread. 16" x 20".

Boy on the Beach - 20" x 24".

Toronto Beach after a Storm - 54" x 36".

Toronto - 54" x 30".

Ontario Landscape - 12" x 12".

Main Street, Quebec - 16" x 24".

Ontario Landscape - Detail

Fishing Village - Nfld. 30" x 30".

Village - Nfld. - 14" x 22".

Embroidered Bible Cover - 18" x 10"

Fairy  Series

Flowers: Still Life Series


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