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Hello, and welcome to my website

As a fortunate student who studied at the Glasgow School of Art, I work in traditional drawing, painting, embroidery, weaving, and design. Although my work crosses various

art mediums I am predominantly a fibre artist.


My drawings, paintings and photographs are worked on until the design is ready for interpretation into fabric and stitchery. The subject can be a landscape, a portrait, an

abstract or in fact anything. Finished pieces can be framed, hung or stand-alone. The

freedom of working with fabrics, threads, beads, stones and more, enables variations

in textures, shapes and scale that are endless.

Until recently, most of my work has been commissioned, but now, with more time to

dedicate to my art, I am able to work on a variety of projects and will be adding new

images on a regular basis.  The gallery will showcase work done over a number of years

and when you visit the website next, you will see how my work has changed and is developing over time.

Please make inquiries about any of my work that interests you.  I am always pleased to

have visitors contact me.

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